Safe Employer Award

Submissions are now closed for the 2025 WorkSafe Saskatchewan Safe Employer Award

Employers that promote health and safety as their company’s core value know there are rewards in terms of improving employee morale and reducing costs from injuries, lost time and decreased productivity.

Every year, WorkSafe Saskatchewan recognizes employers that exemplify a strong commitment to the health, safety and well-being of their workers, contractors and customers. Award entries are reviewed by a committee and are awarded at our spring Compensation Institute event.


To be eligible, employers must meet the following criteria:

  • Over the last five years, your record must not have a:
    • Prosecution/conviction under occupational health and safety and/or Criminal Code legislation, and/or
    • Workplace fatality.

  • Your organization must have:
    • A health and safety policy signed and dated by senior leadership.
    • Hazard identification processes for identifying and mitigating actual and potential risks.
    • Inspection processes within the organization.
    • Investigation processes for accidents, dangerous occurrences and work refusals as defined under Saskatchewan Occupational Health and Safety legislation.
    • Processes for effectively communicating safety messages and ensuring employees are trained to work safely.
    • Emergency response processes.
    • A process to regularly measure and report on how your organization manages health and safety in accordance with a recognized standard (for example, a safety association audit).

2024 Safe Employer Award winner

Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority Inc.

Saskatoon, Sask.

The recipient of this year’s Safe Employer Award is the Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority Inc. (SIGA). Since graduating from the WorkSafe Saskatchewan   in 2017, SIGA has adopted a proactive approach to workplace health, safety, and well-being. Employers who exceed certain injury benchmarks are eligible to receive assistance under the priority employer program. This support focuses on assessing safety systems, providing training, and improving safety performance. Leveraging these resources, SIGA has launched many initiatives to solidify its commitment to a healthy and safe workplace.

In the past, SIGA used the Saskatchewan Construction Safety Association audit tool to identify hazards and safe work practices. More recently, the First Nations-owned organization has started developing their own casino audit tool that they hope to share across the casino industry.

“Initially, there was some reluctance with the amount of mandatory training,” Michael Galay, manager of health and safety at SIGA says. “We had our staff go through the training process and recognize the reality of how important that training is.”

Internal safety training at the Saskatoon-headquartered company includes safety management, naloxone, drug and alcohol, along with power mobile equipment training. Additionally, SIGA’s health and well-being action plan offers extensive mental health, cultural and spiritual support to its employees, including significant training in crisis intervention and support.

2023 Winner: Hundseth Line Construction Corp., Saskatoon

2022 Winner: Pro Canada West Energy Inc., Midale

2021 Winner: Triple A Directional Drilling Ltd. (Triple A), Yorkton

2020 Winner: Northern Mat & Bridge Limited Partnership, Yorkton
Finalists: Triple A Directional Drilling Ltd., Yorkton
Pryme Iron Inc., Langenburg

2019 Winner: Namerind Housing Corporation, Regina
Finalists: Walker Projects Inc., Regina
Park Derochie Coatings (Saskatchewan) Inc, Regina

2018 Winner: RM of Wilton, Number 472, Marshall
Finalists: Asiil Enterprises Ltd, Prince Albert
CEDA, Regina

2017 Winner: GFL Environmental Inc., Saskatoon
Finalists: RM of Wilton, Number 472, Marshall
Mosaic Potash, Belle Plaine

2016 Winner: Matrix Solutions Inc., Swift Current
Finalists: Yorkton Plumbing and Heating Ltd., Yorkton
Rack Petroleum Ltd., Biggar

2015 Winner: R.H. Electric, Yorkton
Finalists: Matrix Solutions Inc., Swift Current
Key Well Servicing Ltd., Weyburn

2014 Winner: Cenovus, Weyburn
Finalists: LK Auto, Regina
The Canadian Salt Company, Belle Plaine

2013 Winner: Articulate Masonry, Prince Albert
Finalists: Titanium Tubing Technology
International Road Dynamics

2012 Winner: K-Line Maintenance & Construction Ltd., White City
Finalists: EMW
Titanium Tubing

2011 Winner: BMTR Ventures, Meadow Lake
Finalists: A.J. Harlick, Swift Current
Eagle Drilling Services, Carlyle

2010 Winner: Magna Electric Corporation, Regina and Saskatoon

2009 Winner: Warner Construction Co. Ltd., Regina

2008 Winner: Cherick Ventures Ltd. Hudson Bay

2007 Winner: Syntech Enerflex (Enerflex Systems Ltd.) Estevan, Kindersley, Lloydminster, Swift Current

Safe Employer Award Committee members
Labour Relations and Workplace Safety
Saskatchewan Workers’ Compensation Board
Saskatchewan Safety Council
Canadian Society of Safety Engineering